
在线赌博推荐在线赌博推荐欢迎具有不同背景和经验的学生. 在线赌博推荐的学生人数超过600人,讲60多种母语. 在线赌博推荐的小班教学和活跃的在线赌博推荐使国际学生能够与教师密切接触, staff, and fellow students and become a vital part of our community.

We offer courses in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), 是为了帮助学生发展在在线赌博推荐取得学业成功所必需的语言技能. ESOL辅导和支持服务以及国际学生咨询可以帮助您完成学习并了解更多关于新罕布什尔州生活的信息.

在线赌博推荐 is authorized by the U.美国学生交流和访问计划(SEVP)为被副学士学位课程录取的学生签发I-20(学生签证申请)表格. Not sure what program to choose? Review the programs of study or email us at [email protected]

1. Apply for Admission

Great news: There is no application fee! If you fill out the online application,点击“首次创建用户”,按照提示操作. Otherwise, you can download our application, fill it out, and return it to [email protected].

2. Submit Required Documentation


提交所有中学和大学学习成绩的正式成绩单. 不接受扫描、影印或传真的成绩单. 如果文件不是英文的,必须附有经过公证的官方翻译件.

如果你想从在美国以外完成的大学课程中获得学分.S.,你必须提供每门课程的学位证书评估. 证书评估服务的列表可在 National Association for Credential Evaluation Services

You have to be proficient in English. If your native language is not English, 你必须参加托福考试. You will need one of the following scores:

  • 500 or better on the paper-based test
  • 173 or better on the computer-based test
  • 61 or higher on the internet-based TOEFL

Visit the TOEFL website for information on where to take TOEFL in your country. 官方托福成绩必须直接从考试地点发送到在线赌博推荐招生办公室.


  • If you score between 380-499 on the paper-based exam, 83-172 computer-based, or 26/27-61 internet-based, 你可以申请通识课程,并且需要在前两个学期至少修满9个学分的ESOL预备课程.
  • 如果你的分数低于380分,在线赌博推荐将无法录取你进入在线赌博推荐的大学或项目.

International students already in the U.S. 可完成校内院校语文评估,以确定他们的英语水平.  在线赌博推荐也接受国际英语语言测试系统(IELTS)测试来代替托福考试. 学生的综合成绩必须达到6分或以上才能进入专业. Students who score between 4.5-6可以从通识课程开始,并参加预备课程.

你需要一封由在在线赌博推荐学习期间负责你的教育和生活费用的人提供的支持信. This letter will be in English and include:

  • Your name
  • Your intent to attend 在线赌博推荐 – Concord’s Community College
  • Your sponsor’s relation to you
  • 担保人为你提供的费用金额
  • Your sponsor’s name and contact information
  • 担保人的签名和他们签名的日期

You’ll need to submit the original letter; no scans or photocopies will be accepted. 你需要一份以上的原件,所以要求多份副本.

你需要一封来自金融机构的信件或银行对账单,该机构持有对你作为学生负有经济责任的人的资金. 这份声明必须印有该机构的官方抬头, indicate the sponsor’s name, detail the funds currently available stated in U.S. dollars, and be in English.

保荐人承诺的金额和保荐人银行账户中的可用金额需要支付至少一年的教育和生活费用. You can download an estimated cost of attendance for international students.

If you are planning to request an F-2 visa for dependents, 您还必须提交受扶养人目前的护照和移民文件的复印件,并在您的经济支持文件中包括受扶养人的费用(额外9美元),900 for the first dependent, $3,500 for each additional dependent). You’ll need to submit a letter the dependent’s documents, specifying the dependent’s name, date of birth, country of birth, country of citizenship, and relationship to you.

在线赌博推荐需要当前护照的复印件和任何额外的移民文件,如您当前的签证, I-20, etc.

你必须一次性提交100美元的国际学生入学费用. 你可以用支票或随你的申请文件寄来的汇票来支付, 或者您可以致电603 230-4012与财务处联系,用信用卡付款. Please note a 2.信用卡付款需加收75%的手续费.

If you are an international student currently in the U.S. with an F-1 visa at another college, 你需要与指定的学校官员(DSO)在你目前的学院见面,并填写国际学生转学表. 该表格可以从招生办公室获得,也可以下载 here.

Healthcare in the U.S. is expensive. 您需要在注册前向卫生服务部提交健康保险证明. This information is not required with your applications. You can download a list of U.S.-based insurance companies here. 这只是提供保险服务的公司的一个样本. 

3. Register for Courses

你的在线赌博推荐顾问将帮助你注册课程,并向你介绍学生信息系统, 这样你就可以在网上获得所有的信息,比如考试日期, assignments, and grades.

You may need to take a placement test for a particular course; these can often be waived based on your high school GPA, transfer credits, or standardized test scores such as SAT and ACT. Have you earned AP Exam credits? You may be able to apply them!

What's Next?

Apply for Housing

Looking for the full college experience? Live on campus in one of our 3 residence halls. 有很多选择,比如混合性别和CHILL社区. Check out Residence Life to learn more and apply for on-campus housing.

Plan Your Payment

Tuition is due 2 weeks before you start classes – the Bursar’s office can help you sort through all the options, including payment plans, scholarships, and how financial aid impacts your bill. 

Visit Campus

At 在线赌博推荐, we aim to make your transition here easy. Sign up for an orientation, which typically runs from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring a friend or your parents; we’ll show you around and answer all your questions. 

File Health Documents

If you’re a student athlete, an Allied Health student, or planning to live on campus, Health Services needs a record of your health history. Download the form and instructions on the Health Services page.